Ways to Make Big Differences with Small Touches

Here are ways to make big differences with little touches! When you look in the mirror, you will see the new year as a fresh start with the applications that will make you happy and underline your beauty and show that you value yourself. We have shared with you the new generation of beauty treatments that you can do in the new year. Also, if you are looking for good products, you should browse Avon Brochure January 2020. Therefore, you should check out this Avon Catalogue!

Eyebrows play a decisive role in determining the golden ratio, the mathematical representative of beauty. Eyebrows, which are very important because they are located in the center of the face, are redesigned and repositioned in the most appropriate way to the person’s face and other factors thanks to contour makeup applications. The result is natural, full and flawless eyebrows. Eyebrow contouring process, which is based on giving the muscles a strong and effective form.

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The contour of the eyebrows made by professional people starts with the determination of the most suitable form to the person’s face. After the preliminary drawing, the application made with the techniques of powdering and 3D techniques. 20 days after the transaction is made, the final touches are made and the final state is given. So the procedures carried out by professional persons with equipment that is completely sterilized in hygienic environments.

The lip contour creates a much fuller appearance by shaping the lip line, an application where organic permanent dyes processed 0.3 – 0.5 millimeters under the skin with the help of fully personalized needles. Lip contour contains 3 different stages together. So in the first step, contours apply only to the lip frame in accordance with the inner color of the lip. This application makes the lip look more prominent and fuller.

So here are ways to make big differences! If you want to be the first to view Avon Brochure February 2020, you should subscribe to us and follow us on Facebook! So let’s join us!