Shoprite Specials Jan Price Savings Eastern Cape 20 January 2020

It is time to make 2020 your year to save with Shoprite Specials Jan Price Savings 20 January 2020! Dozens of offers, quality, and fresh products are waiting for you! This Shoprite Catalogue has more ways to reduce to cost of weekly shopping! Therefore, you should check out all the products before you go shopping. Butchery, deli, bakery, frozen, snacks, household, personal care, pets, baby and many more can be browsable here. So you will find what you are looking for with this special catalogue! Let’s browse all pages and enjoy weekly shopping at reasonable prices!

shoprite specials jan price savings eastern cape 20 january 2020

Also, Shoprite Catalogue Jan Price Savings 20 January 2020 contains unbeatable deals like Crazy Combo Deals! You should focus on these deals and save more! For example; when you buy White Star Super Maize Meal 10kg + Sasko Cake Wheat Flour 10kg + Spekko Parboiled Long Grain Rice 10kg, you will pay for all of them only R240!

Fresh Selections From Shoprite Specials Jan Price Savings 20 January 2020;

Don’t forget these prices are only valid for Eastern Cape! If you want to see more fresh products, offers, and supermarket specials, you can check out the main page. Also, you should follow us on Facebook to reach more deals in South Africa! Here you go!

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