Pick n Pay Specials Back to School 8 February 2021

Pnp Specials Back to School 2021 promises a wide range of products and lower prices! Therefore, it is a good time to discover Smart Back to School Savings! If you are a member of Pick n Pay Smart Shopper program, you will save extra on many special products!

pick n pay specials back to school 8 february 2021

Pnp Specials Back to School 8 February 2021

Schools are opening! Back to School period begins, with very special campaigns for those who gather their energy during the summer holiday and prepare for the new period! As the new academic year begins, all products in your technological needs list are at Pick n Pay at special prices! Do not miss the opportunities with the back to school campaign!

Crown your excitement of going back to school with promotional products from Pick n Pay Catalogue and get ready for the new era with technology! You are at the right place to take advantage of special prices and discounts, gift product campaigns and campaigns! The leading products of technology, smartphones, smart watches, headsets, accessories and game consoles, computers and more are with you with special offers in this campaign period!

Education During Corona Virus (COVID-19)

The coronavirus pandemic has disrupted daily life much more than expected, and children still feel these changes deeply. Although returning to school is exciting for many students, both families and children are uneasy. Starting school during a global epidemic is stressful for everyone. The good news is that scientific studies show that the risk of COVID-19 transmission among children in schools may be low. As long as certain measures continue, we can send our children to school with peace of mind. Let’s take a look at what we should pay attention to these days when we are in a rush to return to school.

Here are the latest Pick n Pay Specials! If you want to see more products, offers, and, shopping tips, you should check out the home page. And, you can visit other category pages. There are many category pages of top brands like Shoprite, Woolworths, Makro, and many more. Moreover, you can subscribe to them with your email easily! Here u go!