Dischem Archive (Page 6)

Dischem Archive

DisChem Specials 17 Aug – 11 Sep 2022

Check savings up to 25% off, 2+1 Free offers, Free gift with purchase and much more with DisChem Specials 17 August 2022! Fragrances, skincare, makeup, personal care, more are available on this DisChem Catalogue! Browse...

| Aug 19, 2022 at 4:10 pm
Dischem Archive

DisChem Specials 15 Aug – 5 Sep 2022

Find the lowest prices on a wide range of top brands’ cosmetics with DisChem Specials 15 August 2022 this week! Fragrances, skin care products, supplements, oral care, and much more are on sale in Dis-Chem...

| Aug 15, 2022 at 2:31 pm
Dischem Archive

DisChem Specials 17 – 26 June 2022

Exclusive and Quality brands’ products are on sale at fewer rands on DisChem Specials 17 June 2022! Many pharmacy products, cosmetics, and many more products are available on this DisChem Catalogue! Let’s browse these products...

| Jun 17, 2022 at 4:56 pm