Dischem Archive (Page 4)

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DisChem Specials 16 Feb – 12 Mar 2023

Discover the winning prices for the whole family with DisChem Specials 16 Feb 2023! It contains widest range, lowest prices, and best advice! You can encounter savings up to 20% over 2500 products! Let’s check...

| Feb 16, 2023 at 4:17 pm
Dischem Archive

DisChem Specials 12 Jan – 12 Feb 2023

DisChem Specials 12 Jan 2023 promises BIG SAVE on many cosmetics, baby essentaials, and much more! Savings up to 20% on makeup, skincare, baby products, personal care, and much more are available on this DisChem...

| Jan 17, 2023 at 10:59 am