Avon Brochure Stunning Gifts 1 – 28 Feb 2023

Find the best gifts for loved ones with savings up to 60% on Avon Brochure Stunning Gifts 1 – 28 Feb 2023! Popular Avon fragrances, skincare, accessories, and much more products are featured on this Avon Catalogue!

avon brochure stunning gifts 1 - 28 feb 2023

Is foundation applied in summer? that’s how you do it

With summer at hand, it’s time to think about your beauty routine on hot days. Majority of women prefer to wear less or no makeup during the summer months, but that little base layer still feels like a necessity for some women. The question is: How to apply foundation on hot summer days? Let’s view these tips and combine these tips with the best Avon Products!

Brown color from the sun

A fact is that we sweat more in summer due to higher temperatures. You will notice this in a short time with a thick layer of foundation on your face. Your face will warm up faster and foundation will look less beautiful in a short time due to increased sweat. In fact, you can have red or irritated skin even from using foundation in the summer. That’s why many women prefer to wear less makeup this season. If you are looking for light makeup products, visit the Avon Catalogue in detail!

Most women only use basics like a BB cream, some mascara and possibly some concealer on hot days. Thanks to the number of sunny days, you have a good chance of tanning after a few weeks. As a result, you usually need less foundation to get the same effect.

Pay attention to the basics

Would you rather not walk out the door without a little foundation? So, on hot days, pay a little more attention to the base of your makeup. So, invest in a good primer. Primer is the foundation of your makeup look and helps your skin stay hydrated, your foundation stays put and makes it easier to apply.

If you use a good base, you only need a few drops of foundation for a beautiful look. This works even when there are only a few drops left in the bottle. Prefer to use silicone-free primer on hot days. The silicone lining can clog your pores, preventing your skin from breathing properly. This is nothing but pleasant on a hot day. Also, use a foundation with SPF for sun protection.

Waterproof make-up in summer

With a small base layer, you create a beautiful, sunny makeup look. Complete this look with some mascara, blush and lip gloss. You can now score these makeup products in a waterproof version. But be sure to choose a silicone-free model. Because did you know that in 2021 waterproof products aren’t as bad as they used to be? A wide range of waterproof makeup products is featured on Avon Catalogue in South Africa! Check it out!

Today, brands are increasingly using substances other than silicone to create a protective layer. However, take a good look at what’s inside a product. We can’t say it often enough: for example, avoid make-up products with silicones and instead opt for a product with a vegetable polymer. Polymer, unlike silicone, does not clog pores.

Avon Fixing Spray!

With a primer, waterproof makeup products, and a thin layer of foundation with SPF, you’ll be totally ready! Then finish off your look with a fixing spray. This allows your foundation and the rest of your makeup to stay in place much longer. It also prevents the ‘powdered’ effect on your face. Browse the latest Avon Brochure and buy a good one at low prices!

On hot summer days, you can easily reapply the fixing spray several times a day. Thus, you add an extra layer to your make-up and provide yourself with a refreshing and cooling spray. Win win!

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